When it comes to dentures, many of your patients would be thrilled to know that there are alternative options. Some of these clients suffer from what Dr. Jason C. Campbell has coined a “biofunctional disorder” involving issues such as deterioration of teeth, gums, bones and jaw joints, TMJ, bruxism and other symptoms. For those patients that have lost or missing teeth, more permanent options such as dental implants can be used to complete their smiles and treat this disorder.
Here are a few tips about what you’ll want to tell patients who are considering dental implants:
1. Unlike dentures, dental implants are not removable and will not run the risk of falling out during mealtime.
2. Dental implants require a strong jawbone to be implemented. If the patient’s jaw is strong enough, dental implants will be directly installed into the jawbone for a durable hold that can last a lifetime.
3. Due to their design, if a dental implant should be knocked out, in many cases it can be very easily replaced.
4. Implants can be shaped and adjusted based on your needs, even if the patient has abnormal spacing issues that stand to be corrected.
5. Implants can be naturally shaded to match the color of your remaining teeth.
6. Implants can strengthen and repair any weakness or deterioration that may have been lost by your jaw due to tooth loss.
Here at Advanced Prosthetics Institute in Prescott, Arizona, we offer a three-day course on A Biofunctional Approach to Implant Placement and Restoration. We’ll train you in all you need to know about implant technology, building an implant clientele, diagnosis, treatment and recovery. Call us at 928-776-0239 to sign up or to ask us any question you may have.