Advanced Prosthetics Institute was established as a center for teaching and implementing the treatment philosophy for dental-medical problems categorized as “biofunctional disorders.” Dr. Jason C. Campbell coined the term “biofunctional disorders” to describe issues involving the diagnosis and care of patients who seek dental treatment for unresolved syndromic dental-medical problems. By definition, a Biofunctional Disorder is:

The cumulative effect of negative oral biomechanical forces coupled with medical systemic issues of acidity and inflammation resulting in dental demise, terminal dentition, induction of bruxism, occlusal trauma, symptoms of TMD, chronic facial pain, and chronic headaches.

When you register and attend our continuing education courses, you will receive training and system support tools to provide you with the knowledge and skills to treat complex dental care issues, which will in turn increase patient commitment to your practice and improve the profitability of your practice. We welcome you to contact our office at 928-776-0239 for more information on biofunctional disorders and to learn more about our continuing education courses.

Biofunctional, or biomechanical, disorders incorporate a broad spectrum of dental-medical problems, including:

  • Negative interactions of the hard and soft tissues of the mouth and jaw
  • Migraines, headaches, and muscular pain in the head and neck
  • Deterioration of teeth, gum, bone, and jaw joints
  • Bruxism
  • TMJ disorders
  • Acidity/Acid Erosion

Biofunctional disorders are often diagnosed in conjunction with underlying medical conditions, such as gastric disorders, acidity, autoimmune illnesses, and allergies.

Treatment for biofunctional disorders often involves a collaborative effort between dental and medical professionals to treat the underlying medical causes as well as restore and rehabilitate the mouth and oral health. This, in combination with complex dental treatments and the latest technology, can help you to help your patient regain his or her oral and overall health.

For more information on biofunctional disorders, please contact Advanced Prosthetics Institute today.